Works of art made of plastic bags

Plastic bags have been banned in many countries now, only to give way to traditional bags for multiple use. But what about the plastic bags already in use? It is well known that they are not compatible with ecology since it takes them a long time to dissolve.

Israeli artist Aviva Sawicki has found a genuine solution to the problem. After using recycled cardboard for 13 years, she made a step forward lately and now she uses recycled plastic bags to create her works of art. She uses them instead of linen or paper for paintings, prints, and creating new shades of colours. Lately, she has designed even clothes made from plastic bags.
Her ecological message is unambiguos: Multiple use of recycled plastic bags is the only genuine idea for her to create very special objects. She is proud of using not a drop of colour deriving from other sources than recycled bags.
Sawicki’s paintings have been on show in Israel, Germany, New York, Chile, Argentina.
Her bags come from waste collecting depots and land in museums. A really nice and useful career for them.